Happy New Year!

New Year’s wasn’t always celebrated at the end of December. In fact, the first recorded celebration of a new year is around four thousand years old when the Babylonians marked their new year on the first new moon after the spring equinox. January 1 became the first day of the new year under Julius Caesar. […]

Exercise and Creativity

Since we’re coming up on the New Year and I know that a lot of people consider doing New Year’s resolutions, I thought that maybe I would cover a topic that could help with it two fold. If you want to get healthy and also tackle a creative project then you’re in luck! Those two […]

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I know a lot of people will be spending their time with family, I will as well, but I wanted to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season. There are a lot of holidays/festivals this time of year and I’m sure you’ve heard of the big ones (Christmas, Hannukah and Kwanzaa), but there […]

Historical Tea Party

I’ve always loved the question of, if you could talk to anyone, alive or dead who would it be? So for the purposes of this blog post I’m going to have a historical tea party and choose the most interesting historical women I can think of and do my best to show you just how […]

Favourite YouTuber Spotlight – Nick Pitera

I love YouTube. It’s the perfect medium for people to follow their dreams and not have to rely on a record company to pick them up so they’re able to reach the people. The YouTuber I’m spotlighting is Nick Pitera. He’s a singer, songwriter, musician and actually works for Pixar as an animator. He’s been […]

Writer’s Block

Writer’s block sucks and I’m sure that everyone who’s ever had to write anything has experienced it at least once in their lives. I was experiencing it myself when I wondered what to write about for this post. It’s funny how inspiration strikes from the oddest places sometimes. In a lot of cases you don’t […]

What I’m Reading – One for the Money and Anne of Avonlea

I’ve read One for the Money by Janet Evanovich once before. I feel like the first read through was a lot better. More of the comedy came through on my first read, but I found that the second read was a lot darker. The violence and fear felt more powerful and I didn’t actually enjoy […]

Favourite Author Spotlight – Michelle Moran

Michelle is one of my favourite historical fiction authors. She has written 3 books on Egypt, 2 on France and 1 on India. So far. Her first novel is Nefertiti, which focuses on the immensely interesting period of Egyptian history where their traditional religion, art style, etc. was shunted to the side and all new […]

Miss Willow and the Hervey Foundation

For anyone who doesn’t know, Olympian Confessions isn’t my only work that’s going to come out this year! I’ve already written a children’s book and it is being illustrated by the fabulous Ashley Dadoun (http://cargocollective.com/ashleyillustrations). I won’t give away the details of the book yet, except that it involves cats, but I will tell you […]